REDCLIFFE, Australia - AussieJournal -- If you're involved in a personal injury claim, it's prudent to ensure your lawyer has the below abilities and approach.

Preparation is key. Never be caught with your pants down by your opponent due to lack of preparation.

Evidence. Taking the extra steps to obtain detailed statements from all relevant witnesses, obtaining all the required documentary evidence, obtaining the right expert reports and filling the gaps in the evidence before they are pointed out by your opponents will yield positive results every time;

Establishing the narrative. This is where the art form comes in. All of the detailed evidence in the world will not produce the best result if the lawyer cannot express and explain its relevance to the matter in a way which best serves the injured person;

Relentlessness.  The lawyer must be relentless in running down every piece of evidence and scrapping for every positive component of the claim. It is the sum of many positive components which produce a great result overall;

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Strength of conviction. The lawyer must always maintain their strength of conviction when dealing with their opponent. That is not to say that the lawyer should be difficult or obstructive. Quite the opposite. The successful lawyer should concede where appropriate but show strength of conviction on the important issues;

Never compromise on your clients' best interests. This is an issue which worries many claimants. They can be concerned that their lawyer may make decisions on their claim in the lawyers own self interest such as resolving the claim early or for a reduced amount to get a speedy result of fees. Of course, the claimant does not always know what is in their best interests. It is the foremost duty of the lawyer to advise the claimant of what best serves their interest. Communication between the lawyer and the client is key.

Crew Legal is a personal injury lawyer, based in Redcliffe, Queensland that puts your needs first. Learn more at:

Source: Crew Legal

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