Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation
Speaker: Bob Stains, Founder of Bob Stains and Associates, Conflict Transformation, and Senior Associate, Essential Partners

BOSTON - AussieJournal -- The Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation today announces its first event of the 2025 Let's Talk Series. On Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 7-9 pm EDT (UTC-4), Bob Stains will present Let's Talk Series: Depolarize: Dialogue skills for transcending divides.

We are living in times of deep divisions in our communities, our country and even in our families. The chasms that separate us sometimes seem too wide and too deep to cross. These divides are often created and maintained by stories: thin caricatures of the evil "them" and virtuous "us" that are told and re-told, expanding polarization and making real connection seem impossible.

Yet there is hope. 30+ years of peoples' experience with Reflective Structured Dialogue across the US and countries around the world offers many ways for changing our conversations to expand stories and heal relationships.

This webinar will explore tools and techniques of dialogue (reflective skills, receptive skills, expressive skills) that we can use to reach across differences and come away conscious of our complexities and more connected as a result.

Bob Stains is the Founder of Bob Stains and Associates, Conflict Transformation. His highest purpose is to help people to get curious about and become more human to each other. Bob is also a Senior Associate at Essential Partners and has worked for decades across the US and in ten other countries facilitating dialogue and training others. He is a seasoned designer and facilitator of conversations that cultivate understanding and connection in fractured communities.

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Bob weaves his past experience as a family therapist, his practice of mediation and his understanding of interpersonal neurobiology into the design and facilitation of conversations that cultivate understanding and connection in the midst of divisive differences. Bob is also a skilled trainer, coach and mentor. He created and leads the "Transforming Dialogue" training, mentoring and group coaching program that equips leaders and practitioners with the internal and external skills to design and facilitate dialogues that repair torn communities.

Before the Event

All registered participants will have access to a brief pre-event survey that allows questions to be submitted to our speaker.

During the Event

This is a webinar style event. All registered participants will have the opportunity to submit questions to our speaker. Questions will be screened and asked, given the time allowed.

After the Event

All registered participants will receive a post-event email including a survey and additional resources. A recording of the event will be publicly available on the Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation website, in the days following our event.

Please join us via Zoom on Tuesday, April 8, 2025 7-9 pm EDT (UTC-4) for Let's Talk Series: Depolarize: Dialogue skills for transcending divides.

Tuesday, April 8, 2025

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Boston (USA – Massachusetts) 7:00:00 pm EDT UTC-4 hours
Chicago (USA – Illinois) 6:00:00 pm CDT UTC-5 hours
Salt Lake City (USA – Utah) 5:00:00 pm MDT UTC-6 hours
San Francisco (USA – California) 4:00:00 pm PDT UTC-7 hours
Honolulu (USA – Hawaii) 1:00:00 pm HST UTC-10 hours
Corresponding UTC (GMT) 23:00:00



About Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation

The Dock C. Bracy Center (the Center) is committed to human reconciliation and the eradication of racism and other forms of human oppression. Our work focuses on healing the internal emotional and cognitive harms that have allowed racism to continue to thrive in our society. Although headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, the Center's programming is open to all who can connect with us virtually. We support the efforts of many other groups and individuals by providing opportunities for learning and self-reflection so that strategies to eradicate racism can become more successful. The Center is exclusively funded through donations. Additional information about the Center can be found by visiting the website and by following @dcbcenter.

Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation

Source: Dock C. Bracy Center for Human Reconciliation

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